This Little Piggy Can No Longer Afford To Go To the Market

Facebook Loser Invites Friends to “I Still Have My Old Phone But I Don’t Have Your Number” Group

Water Polo Players Lose Waiver Because They Play Water Polo, Which Is Not a Real Sport

Kiley Hierl Throws Up a Shot

Popular Demand Leads to New Call of Duty Class

As kids continue to lose hours of their lives at seemingly the…

Isn’t This Awkward?

Stuck here between two stories, I feel like a freshman trying to…

Senioritis Like This

By Kelly Clarkson What if I told you it was all meant…

Joseph, Owner of the Technicolor Dreamcoat, Finally Comes Out of the Closet

Super Duper Mean Teacher Decides to Give Final That is Not a Project

Oh My G-d I Don’t Feel Like Doing My Math Homework

Problems 11-26. Odds and even! Is my teacher out of his frickin…

“That Did Not Turn Out Quite as Fun as it Sounded”

1. A third Chipotle burrito 2. Night time game of Marco Polo…

Swimmer’s Life Harder than Yours

DEERFIELD, IL—Two-a-Day practices and difficult workouts do not make for an easy…