Millions Of Destroyed Chromebooks Already Shipped To Acer

APES Class Begins Harambe Unit

Record Numbers At Kick Off Dance

Millions Of Chromebooks Already Destroyed

Freshman Can’t Find Gym, Senior Cant Find Willpower To Show Up To Class

School Spends Thousands Of Dollars On New Bleachers For Students To Not Sit In

World Health Report: Senioritis is in Season Extra Early this Year.

Disregarde Skul, the bacteria commonly known as Senioritis, has infected 17- and…

DHS Library EXPOSED: Thirsty for Instagram Followers

Everyone’s had that experience with the librarians.  Be it getting yelled at…

We’ll Be Better This Time

Deerfield, we’re sorry.  It will never happen again.  We know, we messed…

Confused Freshman Discovers Z-Hall

Lost and hopelessly confused, freshman Danny Booker found himself wandering around a…