Deerfield, we’re sorry.  It will never happen again.  We know, we messed up, but we’re so sorry and we really hope you will take us back.  Seeing you with that other newspaper just really messed us up.  We made promises, and we didn’t keep them.  Remember when we said it would be an issue a week?  Yeah, you were lucky if you got an issue a month.  We recognize that.  We let it get away from us.  We know, you have needs.  You need attention from us.  You need your weekly dose of cutting-edge satirical “comedy” from us.  You need your cringey “jokes.”  But sometimes newspaper writers and editors have needs to.  Things like sleep, free time, time to study.  But we’re making excuses again.  We’re sorry.

We’re back.  But this time, with a purpose.  You will never have to turn to that other newspaper again.  They filled a necessary hole that we left, but now we’re here again.  And come on, face it, they could never satisfy you like we could.  They were a lot like us, but which is the newspaper that could actually make you laugh?  Well, that wasn’t us, either, but you get the point.  That newspaper is gone now, and it’s time to start anew.  And with this new start, we are looking for more people to build our numbers and make it a reality.

Do you think your jokes are funny but are constantly greeted with crickets by your friends?  You’ll fit right in at The Flipside!  Now that we’re back and under new management, it’s going to be a great year for attempted comedy.  Email co editors-in-chief Andrew Devedjian ( or Joey Balke ( for details.  It’s low-commitment, low-effort, and all around just low-quality in every respect!  Looking for anyone who can write, be “funny,” proofread, draw, think, dab, dance a jig, or give false testimony.  If you can do any of the above, hit us up!

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