The coming of a new school year means the coming of a new Flipside season for the DHS community to enjoy. As always, it is our mission to provide the DHS community with a small escape from a bio test, DBQ, or other stressful situation that high school gives us, and to offer a comic insight into the oddities of high school life.

Writing The Flipside has always been both a privilege and a responsibility for us. All communities need laughter, and it is an honor to be the people in charge of providing it. And we remember, when we were Freshmen and were only readers like you, that even during the hardest weeks of our year, hearing that there was a new Flipside on Friday never failed to give us something to look forward to. That responsibility has always been something we were aware of as we entered into our leadership of The Flipside during the pandemic. We were fully absent in 2020, and when we returned in the fall of last year, it was painfully obvious that few faces lit up in recognition of us as we passed out our first issues. We spent all of last year rebuilding the Flipside rapport, trying to recreate our original balance between humor and being conscious of our community.

July 4th shook our whole world. Changed it, even, or at least left an indelible impression in our school community. And we all have some degree of connection to the tragedy, and therefore deal with some degree of pain. It is at times like this that our responsibility is doubly important. This school year, as with any other, we hope to continue to be a rock for the community. We hope you all can still look forward to the new Flipside just as we did three years ago.

Keep laughing,
Noah and Eli

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