By Gunter Hausman
Unfortunately, as Christmas and Festivus fast approach, Kwanzaa is seldom on our radars. This is starting to bother Kwanzaa celebrators who were hoping that this would be the year that people finally got pumped up for Kwanzaa. Judging by the lack of kinaras and Nguzo Saba, this year will be no different.
“Seriously guys? Again?” asks Kwanzaa celebrator Steven Karenga. “I know we haven’t allowed ourselves to become as commercialized as Christmas or Hannukah, but I was expecting to see at least one Kwanzaa Karl at the mall this year.”
So were the other 4.7 million Americans who celebrate Kwanzaa. Many of whom thought that a great deal of other Americans would be able to get excited about the relatively new but definitely important seven day celebration.
Kwanzaa has started every year on December 26 since 1966, however it doesn’t really seem that many people have caught on which is strange because Kwanzaa always starts the day after Christmas, a day not very difficult to remember.
“This is what we are saying,” Ron Everett reports. “It’s so easy and so much fun to celebrate Kwanzaa. Everyone should do it. When we scheduled Kwanzaa, we made sure that it wouldn’t interfere with anything, so really there is no reason for not observing Kwanzaa.”
Each of the seven days of Kwanzaa is dedicated to one principle like Unity or Collective Work and Responsibility. Additionally, there is a culminating in a feast and gift giving. Fun!
Joyous Kwanzaa

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