DEERFIELD- Tony Bafstander, 16 year old, Deerfield resident, reflects on his rough childhood, in which he overcame much adversity. Bafstander remembers the times of swinging on the swing in the local playground, and shopping with his friends and family.

When he was reliving one of his childhood joys, shopping, he happened to see his middle school music teacher, Mrs. Forming. He was overcome with joy when he had seen this kind lady who had once taught Tony to play piano. “Hello Mrs. Forming, how are you? I haven’t seen you in ages,” Tony said politely.

Mrs. Forming stared at this unique teen, squinted and said “Oh my, is that Tony Bafstander?” Bafstander instantly cracked a smile and nodded familiarizing Mrs. Forming with her former student. “Oh my gosh. I totally remember you. You were my only student that almost failed the recorder test! I can’t believe its you Tony,” Mrs. Forming boasted.

Tony’s face turned apple red. Sweat dripped down his smooth forehead as juice from an orange drips down its side when being sliced in two. “Mrs. Forming, you must have me confused with another student. I was a student many years ago, there must be some kind of misunderstanding,” Bafstander mumbled softly.

“I’m positive that was you Tony. The kids had to play Hot Cross Buns and you played…a bunch of squeaks that sounded like a horrible Vengaboys song. I almost had to fail you. It’s all coming back to me. I’ve never failed a student on the recorder test before, but you were by far the closest,” Mrs. Forming said chuckling and grasping her stomach.

Bafstander started to shake, emotions were bottling up inside him. He turned around, in pure anger that this moment had been recalled to his memory. He left the department store with frustration, and a want to punch the lights out of something. But he didn’t and still lives in Deerfield.

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